The Three C's

Education Reform in Maine associates itself with the three Cā€™s of education reform ā€“ community, communication, and collaboration. For too long the state has ignored the prime ingredient in an engaging and successful education ā€“ the students themselves. Although recent legislation empowers students with how they are graded, it still ignores the greatest influence on how a student retains information itself; the community in which they live and learn.

The first C of education reform is community. This means that the first step in education reform is recognizing that education takes place in a community, and not just the classroom. This method will acknowledge academic factors such as class participation and attentiveness, as well as personal factors such as poverty and household income. ERM will thus steer education in Maine to its full potential, one that takes place both at school and at home.

The second C, communication, emphasizes the need for communication if Maine schools are to embrace a 21st century education for their students. Teachers need to be as engaged with their students, as students are to their learning. This focus will foster the growth of a bond between teachers and students that will not only allow a closer sense of community, but also a greater understanding that will stimulate further learning. Effective communication will not only take place between students and teachers, but also between teachers and parents, and whoever else is involved.

The third C is collaboration. This final stage in education reform is the final solution that will resolve the issue, where both sides of the issue come together and discuss possible solutions, or relay their information through ERM. Finally, a resolution will be reached through local discussion or through legislation at the state level. Regardless, ERM dedicates the entirety of its attention and dedication to solving these issues, and will take the primary role in facilitating the communication to ensure that both parties are satisfied.