Issues in Maine's education

The educational quality in Maine schools is not necessarily bad, but it could certainly use improvement. Education Reform in Maine focuses on a number of persistent problems that have continued to plague the classrooms of Maine schools. Some of these problems include but are not limited to standards-based grading legislation and requirements, technology and education, dropout rates, student disengagement, student mental health, student loans, and ELL programs in schools.

Once more, Education Reform in Maine moves beyond this, and chooses to report on all issues in Maine’s education. These include issues reported on television or through the media, and issues identified by students on an isolated scale. Regardless, Education Reform in Maine plans to do everything it can to understand these problems on a scale of the community in which they take place, foster communication between the parties involved, and finally collaborate in order to reach a final resolution.

The issues involved from our perspective as students are different from those of teachers and administrators. For example, the new proficiency-based diploma may seem admirable to teachers across the state of Maine, but most students feel that a proficiency-based diploma will have negative side effects such as nontraditional transcripts and an exploitive concept of student control that will not prepare them for post-secondary education. Most of these problems go unheard, which is why Education Reform in Maine strives to be the voice of the students and work to see that these issues are resolved. 

Once again, all issues in the schools across Maine can be resolved by following the three C’s of education reform. No matter where the school is, the problem must be understood in light of the community in which it takes place. This entails that parents as well as students are aware of the problem. As soon as the community is made aware, then communication must take place between both parties (students and teachers, students and parents, parents and teachers, etc.) in order to fully understand the problem in all its dimensions. Finally, collaboration happens to facilitate potential resolutions, and resolve the issue itself.

The audience Education Reform in Maine plans to target varies according to the issue it wishes to resolve. This could be anyone from a teacher or student, to a governor or bureaucrat. Nevertheless, we plan on utilizing modern technology in making sure that everyone is informed in one way or another. This includes but is not limited to emails, personal letters, or phone calls.

Education Reform in Maine is connected to such social media sites as Twitter and Facebook, and accommodates the growing technological demand familiar of most contemporary projects in regards to public communication.